SPH Publishing Packages

We have a variety of publishing packages designed to meet you where you are. We also have special packages for children's books and multi-author books.

Spotlight Publishing House Publishing Packages

Below are our three main packages. We often customize our packages once we have had conversations with the author.

We also publish children's books and compilation (multi-author) books.

  • 6 One-to-One Consultations

  • Bi-Monthly Newsletter

  • Lifetime Membership Access

  • Asset Workbook

  • Interior Book Design

  • Title/Subtitle Research

  • Book Cover Design

  • ISBNs/Library of Congress #

  • Endorsement Templates

  • Category/Keyword Optimization

  • Author Bio/Book Description

  • Book Promo Graphics Kit

  • Author One Sheet

  • Publishing Worldwide Dist.

  • Bestseller Campaign

  • Launch Day Livestream

  • Author Showcase on SPH

  • Post Launch Recap

  • 9 One-to-One Consultations

  • Bi-Monthly Newsletter

  • Lifetime Membership Access

  • Asset Workbook

  • Interior Book Design

  • Title/Subtitle Research

  • Book Cover Design

  • ISBNs/Library of Congress #

  • Endorsement Templates

  • Category/Keyword Optimization

  • Author Bio/Book Description

  • Book Promo Graphics Kit

  • Author One Sheet

  • Publishing Worldwide Dist.

  • Bestseller Campaign+

  • Launch Day Livestream

  • Author Showcase on SPH

  • Post Launch Recap

  • Workbook or Journal

  • Author Media Kit

  • 10 FAQ/SAQ Marketing Assets

  • What Do You Do Video

  • Book Trailer Video

  • Mainstream Media Campaign

  • SPH Proprietary Book Launch Checklist and Course

  • SPH/BBB Marketing Needs Analysis

  • 12 One-to-One Consultations

  • Bi-Monthly Newsletter

  • Lifetime Membership Access

  • Asset Workbook

  • Interior Book Design

  • Title Subtitle Research

  • Book Cover Design

  • ISBNs/Library of Congress#

  • Endorsement Templates

  • Category/Keyword Optimization

  • Author Bio/Book Description

  • Book Promo Graphics Kit

  • Author One Sheet

  • Publishing Worldwide Dist.

  • Best Seller Campaign +

  • Launch Day Livestream

  • Author Showcase on SPH

  • Post Launch Recap

  • Workbook/Journal

  • Author Media Kit

  • 10 FAQ/SAQ Marketing Assets

  • What Do You Do Video

  • Book Trailer Video

  • Mainstream Media Campaign

  • SPH Proprietary Book Launch Checklist and Course

  • SPH/BBB Marketing Needs Analysis

  • Audio Book

  • Podcast Show (Done-with-You Program)

  • Course Development

  • Mobile App

(We will discuss and design a custom package if needed).

Founder Package

This package is for the author who already has the infrastructure for business OR one who is gradually building an author platform on a budget.

This is a great package to give you a solid

foundation for what is yet to come.

Builder Package

This package is for the author seeking to build a solid foundation and infrastructure for their business.

This is a great package for the author with the vision of

growing a long-term sustainable business.

Influencer Package

This package is for the author who is already and impact maker and influencer and has the support of a team. This author has a solid business in place and a solid foundation of recurring business and this book will augment the work they are doing in the world.