Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Common Questions

What is an Author Discovery Session?

An author discovery session is something SPOTLIGHT PUBLISHING HOUSE offers all aspiring and returning authors. For new authors this often includes an assessment of goals, dreams and their big WHY. If they are just beginning - (as in, nothing is written yet), we steer them toward either ghostwriters, book writing coaches, or best practices for getting started. If the author has written their book we showcase our processes for them and recommend our vetted editors. While the book is in the editing stage, we work with them on all the other important steps to accomplish bringing their book to the world in am rewarding and meaningful way.

How long does it take before a book is ready to publish?

This often depends on the author and how far along they are when we begin working together. Some authors are ready to go within 4-6 months. Others take a full year to be ready. We often say that publishing a book is much like having a baby. Many of our authors take at least nine months before the are ready to bring their book to the world. We are not in a competition. There is much to set in motion and have in place for successful publishing.

Do you offer payment plans?

Spotlight Publishing House does offer payment plans. We require a minimum of 33% down to begin the project. Monthly payment options are provided after initial payment. We do not schedule a publishing date until paid in full.

Does Spotlight Publishing House only publish books?

Our services go beyond simply publishing a book. For book publishing there are many variables for the book itself... including of course, an edited manuscript. The interior design - which fonts, images, special effects, links, references, etc. are all considered. We encourage all of our authors to add a video for each chapter of their book. This makes the book interactive, the reader gets to experience the author - in a way that goes beyond reading the words. They get to see the author, hear their voice and catch the author's passion for the subject.We highlight some of our other services below.We also create the cover for the author - and that in and of itself requires much attention to detail. The cover - along with the title and subtitle is the first great impression. We work with the author to capture their vision and then expand upon it.We also work take care of copyrights, ISBNs and Library of Congress details.

What other items does Spotlight Publishing House offer?

We offer an array of services that are included in our package offerings. From media kits, author one sheets, marketing images to bestseller launches and more. We have an amazing best seller launch that has produced over 1,000 #1 bestselling authors.

Does Spotlight Publishing House work with other experts to perform services for the author?

We do... because we do not claim to be all things to all people, we tap into the expertise of vetted providers. These include: audiobooks (both professionally and author narrated options available), podcasts services, speaking from stage, social media offerings and more.

Does Spotlight Publishing House offer Book Editing?

Spotlight Publishing House does spend lots of time with your manuscript. We do this to become familiar with the work of our author. However, we do not edit books and have elected to have our authors work with our vetted editors who are our joint venture partners. We feel that this serves our authors with a richness of expertise. The editors we refer to, each operate their own editing business. We have discovered far better results with this model.

Because we know our editors, we are able to match our authors with an editor that is compatible with their personality. That being said, if an author already has their own editor - we are delighted to work with their editor. Editing is NOT an included line item in our packages.