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Why Authorship?

January 09, 20244 min read

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

J.K. Rowling


This is a question that deserves a good solid answer. It is the one question that is asked often, and it is our goal to bring authorship to light and give you a solid foundation for exploration of this subject.

In this blog, we will touch on the 8 Pillars of Authorship and then take each pillar and create an individual blog as we take a deep dive in our exploration.

The reasons for becoming an author are as many and varied as the books that grace the shelves of our homes, libraries, and bookstores.

Book authorship can serve as a platform for expanding your credibility and following. Book authorship offers instant credibility, as authors are perceived as subject experts. It also provides a brilliant method for enhancing the authority and trustworthiness of your business.

Publishing has become the "in" thing, especially in the world of small business and entrepreneurship. We live in an amazing world filled with the advantages of digital tools and resources along with the ever-increasing ability to be seen, heard, and READ due to the social platforms we have available to us.

When deciding whether you should author a book, first consider your reasons for writing. Do you want to share your story of success to inspire a new generation? Have you discovered a new way of doing business that is sure to help others? Or do you simply want to see your name on the cover of a book in a bookstore? 

There are no wrong reasons, but it is essential to know what yours is. Identifying your motive will help you determine if your goals can best be achieved through authorship.

We invite you to take a deep dive into the WHYs of authorship to determine if it is a viable choice for you.

Why Authorship? Spotlight Publishing House

Below we will discuss the 8 Pillars of Authorship with the goal of providing clarity when pondering your own WHY about Authorship.

This is a series - each topic below is explored in a separate blog.

1. Leadership

Authoring a book lets you articulate your unique perspectives, business philosophies and life lessons. A book is a tangible artifact of your ideas that delivers lasting value to readers long after publication. Whether it is leading a startup or a Fortune 500 firm, authoring a book supplies an unparalleled way to define your leadership brand.

2. Unifier

Authoring a book is a powerful tool for uniting people for a cause. A book allows an author to raise awareness for a cause by presenting facts, stories and perspectives that might not be widely known. This often serves as an educational tool that inspires others to take action.

3. Teaching

A book allows an author to thoroughly explore the topic of their interest. Often it is in the area of their expertise. By delving into details, a well-authored book can serve as a reliable reference for readers seeking information on a topic. It becomes a teaching tool, supplying an informative, visually engaging, interactive resource that is adaptable to various learning styles.

4. Business Building

Authoring a book can serve as a strategic tool to build business in many ways. It builds their personal brand, establishes them as an authority in their field, opens doors to new opportunities - such as speaking engagements - both in-person and otherwise, and increases their visibility and exposure.

5. Storytelling

Storytelling plays a crucial role in a well-written book, regardless of the genre or subject matter. Storytelling has been with us since the beginning of time. It captivates readers (or listeners) and keeps them turning the pages. A book without stories is boring, and readers will not keep reading.

6. Advocacy

A book can serve as a power advocate for others by bringing attention to specific issues, sharing diverse perspectives and advocating for positive change. Authors can use their books to amplify the voices of those underrepresented in their communities and is a powerful tool when advocating for social justice.

7. Legacy

Authoring a book can serve as a powerful means of creating a lasting legacy for an author. Their book can articulate their values, beliefs and principles, and inspire others long after the author is gone. Authoring a book allows an individual to convey values, inspire others, and create a cultural/societal impact.

8. Influence

Authoring a book can significantly contribute to a leader's influence in the world. A well-written and marketed book has the potential to reach a global audience, attract media attention, and build a loyal following. A book can serve as a tangible and enduring tool that amplifies a leader's impact on the world.

authorship, why authorship, Spotlight Publishing House

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Becky Norwood

Becky is the CEO of Spotlight Publishing House - with a passion for helping authors get their wisdom and stories out to the world in powerful ways. Creating a solid foundation for authors to shine as change-makers, influencer, and leaders impacting our world

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